Saturday, June 21, 2014

The End of Law Enforcement as I knew it and a goodbye to fellow comrades who believed in it as I did.

I started my career back in the 1970's as a student of Administration Of Justice at Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, California. As work experience, I volunteered my time and my expertise in Martial Arts to officers of five police agencies. I was a daily guest as a ride-along partner with a police officer from the City of Hermosa Beach, Ca. I was there about four days a week and got to know many of the officers, who became friends and the administration. I was there so long I got to see the changes of three different police chiefs. I was a witness in 3 Internal Affairs Investigations involving alleged use of excessive force and one allegedly unauthorized code three pursuit through a neighboring city Manhattan Beach. On this last note my officer partner was Gordon Martines, he was also my best friend. He was accused of going code three, (red lights and siren) though another city without authorization. We were traveling down Aviation Blvd. and saw a Red High powered Ford Mustang doing about 60 MPH is a business district where the speed limit was 35 mph. We initiated pursuit and pulled over the suspect in a residential neighborhood in Manhattan Beach. Before we had even gotten out of our cruiser, the suspect flashed a badge w/identification out the window and yelled, "I'm on a tag!" We yelled back "GO!" and let the undercover officer go without getting his name or the department he worked for. We got a radio call minutes later to 10-19 the station and returned to Headquarters. Our Sargent "Dad" Finley, (may he rest in peace) said the Chief of Police of Manhattan Beach called and wanted to know why a Hermosa Unit was going Code Three through his city. We explained the situation to our Sargent and was told that an Internal Affairs Complaint was being lodged against Gordon. Because we let that UC go without writing down his name and badge number, Gordon had no defense, even though the California Penal Code covers the Uniformed Act of Fresh Pursuit. Gordon drew a 90 day suspension without pay. About a year and half later, Gordon ran into the UC again and it turned out to be Sgt. Tracy, a Palos Verdes Officer assigned to the "South Bay Burglary Team, a co-op of sorts of a multi-jurisdictional task force to suppress Burglaries and Auto thefts as there was a "Ring" operating in the South Bay that needed to be broken up. Sgt. Tracey went back to the Hermosa Beach Police Station and cleared Gordy's jacket. I can't remember if Gordy's suspended pay was ever returned to him by the Dept. At any rate I'm telling you this to establish the relationship I had with Gordy and how it continued for over 35 years. I was there when this Department imploded on itself and it's three Senior Detectives all left, one Captain and two Lts., went out on Stress Medicals" and retired from law enforcements. The appointment of a new Chief of Police who we got from Roswell, New Mexico, literally destroyed what was a great department to work for as departments go. Gordon had previously left to go to Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept. and took a huge cut in salary to do so. As he and I were close, we stayed in touch all through the years. He became a SWAT Leader and I was offered a post as a private investigator that came with a salary too good to pass up. I specialized in criminal defense and corporate/business litigation investigations. Years later, my first experience at police corruption came to light, when I worked a homicide case in Torrance. I was a court appointed investigator in the People -v- Mark James Lyons. I searched the victim's house with a warrant and secured a Brass-knuckled Combat Knife that the alleged murderer had been cut with before he shot the victim twice with a .44 Magnum revolver and stabbed him 22 times after he was already dead. The Perp, my client, didn't realize that when a body dies it fills with gases so when he checked to see if the victim was deceased he pushed on his stomach and the corpse sat up. This really freaked out kid, with an IQ of about p60, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed at the deceased 22 times. He was arrested at the scene by a Torrance Officer and booked for 187PC, first degree murder. My job was to defend this moron. When I got to the scene a week later we discovered the knife that my client alleged he was protecting himself from. It was carefully evidenced bagged, but before we could do this it was handled by the very point of the blade by the girlfriend of the deceased. I could clearly see a print on the shiny metal blade and bagged it. I called for a Torrance Police Unit and Identified myself with credentials and the court order and had him sign the chain of custody voucher. After he signed it I recognized the name as the officer who made the 187PC arrest of my client. I said in front of witnesses, "This is to be processed at the Los Angeles Sheriff's Lab in Lomita and no where else." When I got the report back about a week later, it stated "NO PRINTS" were found on the weapon. It was obvious to me and my team that the knife had been wiped, probably by the custodial officer, the one that got the credit for the big murder arrest. This was really my first experience with police corruption. I did my magic and even though the statements I made were stricken in court from the record as speculation, they had already done their damage, being heard by the jury. The charge of Capital Murder was dropped to 2nd degree and my client got out in 7 years, I heard. I made a good living tearing apart bad police reports and illegal warrantless searches. I worked homicides, Narcotics and sex crimes. I was on retainer by a company that owned a chain of pre-schools during the McMartin era. I got all my defendants off proving they were innocent. I made one mistake, I got off a female teacher who molested a young female child, before the teacher's polygraph results came back positive for deception. I'd jumped the gun and got the filing DA to reject the filing, before I had conclusive proof that she was innocent. I advised the board to fire the teacher and when I found out that she was moving to the next county, called up the LT. in charge of Sex Crimes and warned him that she was headed his way He thanked me and I never took a Sex Crime Defense ever again. I also confronted her and told her that if she ever took another teaching job again, I would personally make her my lives work. I spent two years in therapy to deal with what I had done. Years went by and I had worked for three City Attorney's Offices as a contract Investigator and on my third one I found political corruption involving cash in the form of political contributions to certain City Councilman, junkets to Las Vegas and other forms of payment for certain votes in Council to go towards the beneficiary's businesses. This involved casinos in the City of Commerce. The suspect I found was "Bulletproof", I couldn't bust him. I got luckier on the next municipal City Attorney Investigator Job I took. The City Manager was imprisoned for Misappropriation of Public Funds and was sentenced to 7 years. I also worked for the Federal Govt. On occasion recovering millions of dollars scammed out of the Savings And Loan Industry and recruited by a covert agency on a contract basis. This went on for several years through the late 80's and 90's. A lot of it I'm not proud of, but I made some amazing contacts in the US Govt. Intelligence Community. In 2006, I semi-retired and made a terrible investment with mine and my wife's life savings that ended us winning a five year civil suit. By then the business a pharmacy was destroyed and our partner made off with millions. I'm just getting involved in the collection phase and it's now 2013. During this time my best friend Gordon had spent 30 plus years at LVMPD and was in the Robbery/Homicide Division. He is the most senior detective currently working in the department today. The corruption in LVMPD was widespread to the point that a certain high ranking Narcotics Officer ordered a "hit" on a Registered Confidential Narcotics Informant". This Officer of the law had given the CI Sheet to two contract killers who kidnapped the informant, drove him out to a remote cabin in Alamo, Nevada, tied him to a chair with an electrical cord, and shot him in the head. He was buried in a pre-dug hole and left there in 1996. Gordon was closing in on the Administrator that ordered the hit, when he was asked to go along with the mishandling of evidence in the Carter Killing. When he refused, the shit so to speak hit the fan. There have been many coverups done or condoned by Sheriff Douglas Gillespie. Not filing on the rape of a 14 year old mentally deficient girl who was raped by Sylvester Stallone and his two bodyguards Big and Little Tony who aided him by holding down the child so "Rocky" could rape her. I'm fairly sure this was the most expensive piece of ass Sly ever paid for. Meanwhile the corruption had gone viral. Many other felonies were swept under the rug, including a Lt. that beat his wife, no filing, no report from the first responder, etc. A female Sargent, suddenly promoted to Lt., by means of extortion of her superior and the hits just keep on coming. Gordon was so fed up he took a vacation and when he came back about a month later, his desk had been ransacked by Sgt. Melton, his superior and the case files on the Alamo Murder and Carter Case had somehow disappeared along with other files, money and a gun. Files were messed up on top of his desk and Sgt. Melton wrote up an Internal Affairs Complaint on Gordon for keeping a messy desk. For this and other juicy news call Norman Jahn and read the issues in the Las Vegas Tribune or a case filed by Gordon against Gillespie and host of other defendants United States District Court Number: 2:12-cv-01441-LDG-PAL FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEVADA. I'm the one who urged Gordon to file Federally as the State of Nevada is so corrupt, his lawsuit wouldn't see the light of day. In 2006, I started receiving copies of files on the Alamo Murder Case as Gordon was sure he was going to be killed. Someone tried, but missed hitting him in the leg instead of a vital area. Gordon was driving his motorcycle home when this attempt failed. Gordon is in poor health, 2 heart surgeries, heart and lung disease, diabetes and the LVMPD probably bugging his phones, video surveillance and keylogging programs on his computer. Since it has come to light that I have possession of the copy of the Alamo Case File Which indicates a Lt. Alamshaw (ret.) and a Det. Steve Gammel as possible persons of interest and even Sheriff Doug Gillespie who at the time was the Undersheriff of the Jails at the time of the Alamo Murder, my life has been made hell. False Charges from the Narcotics Division dating back over 2 years ago have been filed against me because I continued the Alamo Case where Gordon left off, along with a DUI arrest out of LAPD Traffic Division after I was rear ended by a woman with no insurance and a phoney address on her driver's license which the officers let go. I have a genetic crippling disease that had been exacerbated by the rearend collision, I have a handicapped placard on my car. I neither drink alcohol or use illicit drugs. As far as the bogus drug charge against me for transporting a controlled substance, which I never did, even though I held a DEA Permit to do so, law enforcement is coming after me. I've been essentially given a "Burn Notice" by my federal contacts and just waiting for the next apple to fall off the cart. My cover as a writer is all but destroyed so I can't work UC anymore. The DMV has even suspended my driver's license for "Lack of Skills" pushed through on a Priority Basis by LAPD Traffic Division. I'm not going to publish this until my court cases have been decided. I sleep with a gun under my pillow and stay away from the windows in my house. My address was secret to everyone until I discovered a GPS tracker on one of my leased vehicles which I turned in to a dealership intact. Have fun boys, following another innocent party, it won't be me. And then is the smear job they've done on me on the internet. I was taught by our Govt, Identify, Discredit, Isolate and if sanctioned, Disposal. My living assets are in danger. There is no telling how far up the corruption goes. My best friend's life is in danger, they've tried to kill him once, made derrogatory remarks about his heritage (Mexican) and verbally threatened his life numerous times. If you're not part of Sheriff Gillespie's Police Mafia, you're a problem that must be dealt with any way possible. This is not a slam job on the whole LVMPD. There are hard working dedicated officers out there that put there lives on the line every day. Thank God for them and keep them in your prayers. Same with LAPD, (now that they've cleaned up Rampart Division and need to take a good look at Pacific Division)and the Ventura County Sheriff's Dept. whose hard work is quite appreciated (They need to take a close look at what's going on in Narcotics Division, they interrogate without Miranda Warnings persons of interest about their involvement in an alleged crime, it's on a covert video tape!).
I had a suspected bad feeling when I met them in a restaurant and knew they'd be taping me.  As it turns out, one of the Narcotics Officers had the same last name of a Capt. at LVMPD.
Well the time has passed and a lot more has come to light from  depo given by an extraordinary Officer with a gift of remembering faces.  He worked Intelligence for a good deal of time, was given a Detectives Credentials and then was targeted by the Gillespie Mafia when he uncovered things in that depo that greatly embarrassed the Administration's up and comer Sgt. Dante Tromba.  This ended up on my desk and I started to investigate Tromba with the help of the San Bernardino Sheriff's Dept. Homicide Division and Coroners Office.  Needless to say, even with all of Tromba's criminal like behavior, I couldn't hang a body on him and I'm out of leads.  But there is still the Carson and Trevon Cole unarmed execution by LVMPD.  As a direct result, Gillespie decided to pull out of the race for Sheriff this year.  The corruption of Gov. Sandoval's complicity in the theft of 1 Billion Dollars of taxpayer money, the H.O.A. Scandal, the resignation of a District Attorney and a host of other things to keep the USDOJ busy for a year. (don't blow any statutes of limitations guys, move on this).

Oh on my end of this sicken story and setup, I got a misdemeanor for ignorance on drug destruction
and a DUI (LAPD Traffic Case DUI thrown out of court on the prosecutor's own motion.  She stated to me in the hall, this case never should have been filed against you. Do you plan to sue the city, you have to first make a claim within 90 days before you can sue.  I told her I was aware of that fact and would not be suing the city as I had worked in the PD's office as an investigator for 4 years.  What bugged me most is a 7 year veteran of LAPD's Traffic Division lied to make an arrest.  His first report was a mess and rejected by his supervisor, but it was too late, I'd gotten my hands on it.  The second report contained the same lie but was more  believable, apparently not to the C.A.  I came to court loaded for bear and never fired a shot.

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